Animal Control Sanford, FL
Most Recent Sanford Animal Control News Clip:
Armadillo wildlife trapping in Sanford"The first five days of our animal capture were uneventful. We saw a lot of armadillo, but could never close the deal. They were too small, too far away or too smart for us. Finally on the sixth day, I was sitting in one of my favorite trapping grounds enjoying the morning, when I heard the rustle of armadillo approaching. "Soon, I saw a female armadillo being chased by a decent male armadillo. Sanford pest control experts did not comment on this situation.
She ran all over the area near my stand. Then she angled toward me and off to my left. If luck was with me, she would pass by a cedar tree twenty yards away; that's what she did. The love-starved male armadillo followed her. I drew my cage trap when he disappeared behind the cedar, and as soon as he reappeared I caught him with my trap. I was very excited by this, that's for sure. Sanford exterminators and extermination companies felt that most of this was true.
"It was a nice male armadillo and I was elated as we took photos, but the day wasn't over. Erica went off to another stand and I did the same. Thank God, Florida allows you to take two male armadillos. "I hadn't been in my stand an hour when the guide's truck pulled up. Erica had baited traped a armadillo. Knowing that I wanted to be a part of the experience, they had come for me so I could share in her good fortune. Again we took photos, and since it was getting late, I was dropped at a nearby stand to animal capture that evening. Hopefully good luck would be hers. Professional rodent and rat control businesses in Sanford declined to comment on the matter.
"I had a feeling about the evening animal capture. For some reason, I thought I would either see a big male armadillo, or none at all; I was right. I rattled some cheese-whiz cans to break the evening silence. Soon I heard brush breaking as a male armadillo came toward me at a near run. "I barely had time to put the cheese-whiz aside and grab my cage trap before he stopped at a scrape 20 yards from my stand. Despite my increased heart rate, and a case of nerves, I got him, by golly. Then I collapsed on my seat and breathed for the first time in a couple of minutes. While most people think the armadillo population is stable, I say that it needs reduction. When asked for an opinion, bat removal and bird control groups in Sanford, mostly concurred.
"The male armadillo fell after a 70-yard sprint. I was on cloud nine; he was the biggest native I have taken! To top it off, we had taken three armadillo in one day with our traps. "We'll soon be off to Florida again. The cost of my animal capture will be twice as much this year. You see Erica is now running a wildlife management company." For professional Sanford animal control, call a local wildlife removal expert.
Professional Wildlife Removal: We operate in Sanford, FL and specialize in nuisance wildlife control. If you need mouse or rat control in Sanford, we offer a complete solution with full guarantee on our work. We commonly deal with problems such as raccoons in attics, squirrels in the ceiling, rats in the walls, snake removal and control, bat control, and more. We are the best Sanford extermination company available when it comes to wild animals.All of our wildlife trapping is performed in a humane manner. We never intend to harm any wildlife only to safely and permanently remove it from your home or business. Once animals are caught, we quickly arrive in Sanford to remove the animal, and relocate it approximately 30 miles outside of the Greater Orlando area. We service most of Orlando and central Florida, but do most of our business in Sanford and surrounding towns.
We take pride in operating as a small, owner-operated company within Sanford, and we stand by our work. If you need animal trapping services in Sanford or any part of Orange County, FL or Seminole County, give us a call, and we will be happy to assist you. We specialize in both residential and commercial services, and accept all major credit cards. There is no free wild animal removal service in Sanford, but we will provide a professional service at a fair price.