July 11, 2018

Gwinnett County Animal Control
Animal Control Ordinance | |
The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners approved changes to the Gwinnett County Animal Control Ordinance in 2015. These changes relate to tethering, cruelty, neglect, boarding, and the keeping of livestock. To help you understand the revisions to the ordinance, the Animal Welfare and Enforcement Unit compiled a list of frequently asked questions. These are located on the unit’s FAQ page.
You can also click here to read the revised Animal Control Ordinance. |
Animal Complaints/Incidents/Situations | |
If there is an animal in your vicinity that you feel is being mistreated, is threatening to the welfare of your community, etc., please don't hesitate to use our services to help these animals and ensure the safety of the residents of our community. We have officers dedicated to the issues of Animal Cruelty/Neglect cases and animal bites/rabies control. You may call our offices at 770.339.3200 to speak with our officers directly. |