Shelters in Jacksonville
A young mother and two year old daughter needed homeless shelter services at the beginning of November. A variety of community services and direct assistance was needed immediately along with Christmas. Christmas Cheer assistance. The mother was connected to childcare assistance and affordable housing providers. Through shelter services, employment and other assistance, the mother and daughter have stabilized and are on track to exit to a better housing situation.
The Homeless Shelter is a temporary, emergency program. It operates seven days a week from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Sunday – Thursday and 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Location is 600 Court Street, Jacksonville, NC 28540 (hyperlink address)
The shelter can accommodate twenty-six residents in two dorm rooms and two family rooms. Residents may stay up to three months and must be involved in positive self-help activities. This is not a “flop house” program.
The majority of our program clients are chronically homeless persons. Typically, our clients are persons who slept in a car or under a bridge the previous night, were evicted and are without back-up financial resources, or were discharged from a health care or public safety facility and are without a permanent address.
Homelessness comes at a very high cost to individuals, communities, and systems of care. The research shows that providing housing to someone experiencing chronic homelessness results in reduced utilization of publicly- funded services such as police, hospital, emergency and impatient services, and the correctional systems.
With your contributions and grants, the Onslow Homeless Shelter can assist about 240 homeless persons annually. Our program trends indicate approximately half will be males and half females and about 35% will comprise families and veterans.
Donations of meals on the weekend, breakfast foods, such as protein bars, socks, paper products and cleaning supplies are always needed. Cash donations can be designated for the Homeless Shelter. Onslow Community Outreach is a 501c3 nonprofit. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.