Citrus County Pet Adoption

Room For One More!!
I see by his coat he must be a stray,
the untidy look gives him away.
He’s lost his will and is so thin
hasn’t eaten, since God knows when.
I know as I coax him through the door,
There’s always room for just one more.
The other night in the freezing rain,
that little female came again.
Matted and soaked, crying in need,
lost and alone with babies to feed.
Her pleading eyes I couldn’t ignore,
There’s always room for just one more.
There’s a new face on the docks today,
hungry but clean to our dismay.
I stroked her head, her body ripples.
When she got up I saw she was crippled.
She started to go, but fell on the floor.
There’s the poor doggy standing in the rain,
I’ve tried to entice him time and again.
One ear’s lopsided, the other’s been torn,
blind in one eye, lost and forlorn.
He’s coming now, so I’ll open the door.
These stories are true,
As I’ve said before,
Author Unknown
There are simple reasons for spay and neuter and many myths and misunderstandings against the procedures to be dispelled:
- Spaying and neutering cats and dogs reduces the millions of unwanted animals that face euthanization
- Spaying and neutering cats and dogs provides health benefits, reducing or eliminating the risk of cancers and life-threatening uterine infections
- Spaying and neutering saves pet owners’ money by reducing damage caused by amorous escaping dogs, veterinary bills treating unaltered
- Altered animals only get fat if overfed and under-exercised
- Altered animals behavior changes are usually for the better
- Children will survive without seeing the miracle of live birth
- There are usually not enough friends or relatives to take on a litter of puppies or kittens
- Hobby breeders barely break even after veterinary and whelping costs
- A male dog can smell a female in heat from three miles away and will make every attempt to reach her
- A female dog in heat will make every attempt to find a mate, any mate
- Male and female cats are similarly indiscriminate
If a veterinarian’s fees are too high SpayNeuter.com and SpayFlorida.org provides help finding the closest low cost facilities in Florida. Many counties provide economical options, such as Marion County Animal Services Division and its Neuter Commuter mobile spay and neuter clinic and Citrus County has the
Doc #N5 issued October 11, 2004, on file in Tallahassee. Registered with Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Affairs. Copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free 800-435-7352 within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the State. All dues and contributions are tax exempt to the full extent allowed by law. Our registration number issued by Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services is CH18409. 100% of all contributions are retained by Room For One More Pet Rescue, Inc. No percentage is retained by any professional solicitor.