Florida pets Adoption
Despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of puppies end up in animal shelters in need of a home each year, many people looking to buy Florida puppies for sale don’t know to think about adoption from an animal shelter or humane society. Many people simply are not aware of how many great adoptable puppies are available at Florida shelters. Some people might also have the misconception that puppies in shelters have something wrong with them. In fact, most Florida puppies for adoption end up in shelters not because of any problem with pet behavior or health issues, but because they were dropped off by someone who simply didn't have the time or money to care for the animals. In some cases pets are lost and never found by their owners. These animals are healthy and very eager to please. Shelter puppies are wonderful- just ask anyone who has one! Florida shelters have puppies of all breeds, including purebred puppies. Purebred puppies for sale in Florida sometimes end up in shelters because the person who bred their purebred dog was not able to sell all the puppies. These people are sometimes called "backyard" dog breeders. They are people who breed dogs as a hobby or to make money, but don’t make a commitment to the puppies for life if they cannot find them a home. While people often think they want a purebred puppy, they might not realize that often mixed-breed puppies are genetically healthier. Less inbreeding means less inherited genetic disease and breed related defects, lower vet bills and happier little pooches! Adoption is a win-win for dogs and pet lovers. How can you find a puppy to love you for life? It’s simple: Adopt!