City of Columbia Animal Services
If you have found a stray in Richland County or City of Columbia, you can have them picked up by calling the City at (803) 776-7387 or the County at (803) 929-6000.
Strays can also be dropped off at the shelter located at 127 Humane Lane, Columbia, SC 29209.
Owned Animals
If for any reason you can no longer look after your current pet, you may turn it in to the shelter, but please consider giving us a call first. We may be able to help you resolve the issue that is resulting in your animal having to be turned in. We would love to help you work out a way to keep your pet!
Lost & Found
Lost a pet? Please visit your local shelter. Calling helps, but it is best for owners to physically look for a lost pet. Descriptions can get confusing since many of our animals tend to look alike. Also be sure to check, where you can search for lost pets by city name or zip code.
Report Abuse
If you know of any animal in need, even if it seems minor, please do not hesitate to call. Often a situation can be corrected simply by educating the owner. Other times it is dire and it is in the best interest to remove the animal.
Keep from getting bit.
Should you come across a stray, here are a few tips.- Don't run from a dog as it has a natural instinct to chase. Stand still; usually the dog will sniff you, then leave you alone.
- Don't touch a sick, injured or scared animal; it may bite you out of fear or surprise.