Animal Control Clay County
Have you seen a stray dog running loose, or have one in your possession? Start Here.
We appreciate your help in controlling the loose dog population across Clay County. Because we are a very small, privately run shelter, we ask that you help us in working together to create the best possible outcomes for dogs in Clay County. Please read this information in it's entirety to determine your best option for the stray dog in your area.
Contact the Police Department, or your City Office. We are contracted with the city of Clay Center and most of the smaller communities in Clay County. If you find a stray running loose in the community, contact your city office to see if there is an agreement in place between your community and CCARE. If so, the designated representative of said community to bring the dog into the custody of CCARE. This will prevent you from paying the surrender fee.
-Clay Center PD (Animal Control) (785) 632-2121
-Clifton City Office (785) 455-3711
-Green City Office 785-944-3486
-Longford City Office (785) 388-2124
-Morganville City Office (785) 926-3070
-Wakefield Police Department (785) 461-5444
Strays found in Clay County: There is currently not a support program in place to collect strays found in Clay County. If you take a stray dog found in the county into your possession and wish to bring it to CCARE, it is classified as a surrender and you will be assessed the $40 surrender fee. We're sorry, we know that's not ideal, and certainly don't mean to discourage good citizens from helping us with the stray dog population. CCARE may spend up to $400 preparing the pet for adoption, but we do everything we can to keep the surrender fee low, and work with you to make the process as easy as possible.
We are not an on-call shelter. Due to our shelter's small size, and our staff of one, we currently cannot be available after business hours to collect strays in your possession. If you decide to take in a stray outside of business hours, we ask that you keep the animal in your possession until the next business day, at which point you should first contact your community police or city department (see above). If you decide to bring the dog directly to CCARE, it is classified as a surrender and you will be assessed the $40 surrender fee. We're sorry, we know that's not ideal, and certainly don't mean to discourage good citizens from helping us with the stray dog population. CCARE may spend up to $400 preparing the pet for adoption, but we do everything we can to keep the surrender fee low, and work with you to make the process as easy as possible.
Try to locate the pet's owner yourself. Social media is a wonderful thing! This option will prevent you from paying the surrender fee.
-Salava Veterinary Clinic (785) 632-5090
or visit their
-Court Street Vet Care (785) 632-3555
or visit their
-Noffsinger Veterinary Clinic (785) 632-2110