Animal Control of West Florida
The Animal Control Services Division is responsible for controlling stray, dangerous and nuisance animals (cats, dogs, etc.) throughout Gadsden County, City of Quincy, Greensboro, and Gretna. Gadsden County has three full-time Animal Control Officer’s that respond to citizen complaints and enforce Florida’s Leash Law.
They also remove stray and dangerous animals from both resident's property and public areas.
Citizens are encouraged to utilize that Animal Control Services as a humane way to deal with stray and possibly dangerous animals. If you encounter such animals please do not hesitate to contact Animal control. The very nature of the way that animals have to be removed or rescued may require employees to be placed in dangerous situations and/or small crawl spaces.
The challenge facing this division is finding homes for some of the animals we pick up in the community. With the assistance of the Gadsden County Humane Society some of the surrendered and abandoned animals in the county can be placed in loving homes.